Fountainhas Aircraft Colors a Mix of People, Houses and Culture


“Fontainhas” arrived in Amílcar Cabral International Airport, Sal, in Cabo Verde, on December 17, 08:09 am, and started flying on CVA’s routes the same day.

Mutakuri weCape Verde Cabo Verde Airlines (CVA) yakagamuchira "Fontainhas", ndege yechitatu yekambani mune yayo itsva livery, Boeing 757-200 ine kunyoresa D4-CCH.

The new aircraft’s colors were inspired by the natural landscapes of the island of Santo Antão. The new colors aim to be a gentle mix of the people, the houses and the Cape Verdean culture.

Ndege dzese dzekambani dzinotevera iyo yakafanana modhi yekurudziro kubva kune yega Island ine tricolor maitiro. Iwo mavara mukati nekunze anoratidza kuti shanduko inobva mukati, mukutsvaga kushandira zvirinani vatengi vendege uye kuunza Cabo Verde kupasi nenyika kuCabo Verde.

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Iyo "Fontainhas" yakatumidzwa kuburikidza nesarudzo yeruzhinji paFacebook, ndivo vashandisi vakavhota pakati petsvarakadenga nhatu dzechitsuwa cheSanto Antão, nemusha weFontainhas uchiwana chikamu chikuru chevhoti.

Ndege mbiri dzekutanga dzine livery nyowani, "Praia de Santa Maria" uye "Baía de Tarrafal", yakagamuchira zita rayo vachishandisa maitiro akafanana. Nesarudzo idzi dzakavhurika kuburikidza nesocial media, kambani inoda kuunza vanhu veCape Verde pedyo nekuvabatanidza muhurongwa hwekugamuchira ndege itsva munyika.

Pachave nemamwe mavhoti akavhurika paFacebook akatsaurirwa kune zvese zvitsuwa uye nerunako rwavo rwechisikigo. Nenzira iyi, vanhu veCape Verdean vachabatsira mukuunza zvishoma zveCabo Verde kupasi, vachishevedzera kudzokera kuCape Verdean kuzvikudza muzvitsuwa zvayo nematunhu.

"Fontainhas" ichava nezvigaro gumi nematanhatu zvekirasi uye zvigaro zve16 mukirasi yebhizimisi.

Cabo Verde Airlines nhasi inoshanda shanu Boeing 757-200, nhatu munhaka yakaoma uye mbiri mukurenda kwemvura, uye inoronga kugashira imwezve mukupera kwaNdira kutsiva imwe yeanyoro yekurenda ndege.