Heathrow inoburitsa chirevo kuUK uye US nendege shanduko shanduko

Heathrow Airport yakapa chirevo chinotevera kuUK uye US nendege shanduko shanduko inobata dzimwe nzira nhasi:

“The safety and security of our passengers and colleagues is our top priority and we work closely with the police and Government authorities to remain vigilant and to respond to any changes in the security situation. The changes announced today by the UK and US governments are not expected to have any impact on security procedures for those departing from Heathrow.

Vafambi vanoenda kuUK kubva kuTurkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, neSaudi Arabia vanorayirwa kuti vabate nendege yavo vaine mibvunzo nezve mamwe matanho ekuchengetedza avangasangana nawo panhandare dzendege munyika idzi. Kuti uwane rumwe ruzivo, ndapota shanyira webhusaiti yeHurumende yeUK.

For full details on the US Government changes to inbound flights to the US from other affected airports, please visit the Department for Homeland Security website.”