London Heathrow Airport: Brexit makes Expansion essential

Sezvo Mutungamiriri ave kugadzirira kukonzeresa Chinyorwa 50 kutaurirana kuti abve muEuropean Union, nhengo dzeParamende dzakatumira Downing Street meseji yakajeka - yekuwedzera nhandare yendege yenyika ndicho chirongwa chakakomba zvikuru chezviwanikwa kuchengetedza hupfumi hwenguva refu hweBritain, pamberi pe chiteshi chenyukireya chitsva paHinkley Point uye new HS2 njanji yekubatanidza.

Mukuvhota kutsva kwakaitwa neComRes kwakaburitswa nhasi, rutsigiro rweParamende rwekuwedzera Heathrow rwasvika pakakwirira, ne77% yevaParamende vava kutsigira chirongwa ichi chichaita kuti Britain ive nyika yakabatana kwazvo pasi rose, kugadzira mabasa anosvika zana nemakumi masere ane hunyanzvi nekusimudzira kukura. inosvika pamamirioni mazana maviri negumi nematanhatu pasirese.

The polling reveals a rare show of Parliamentary unity behind the Government’s decision to back an expanded Heathrow.  Heathrow expansion is seen by Parliament as the most beneficial infrastructure project for all regions across the UK – ahead projects specifically located outside of London like HS2, HS3 and Hinkley Point C – and enjoys the cross-party support of 83% of Conservative and 74% of Labour MPs.


Mutungamiri weHeathrow John Holland-Kaye akati:

"UK ine mukana wakasarudzika wekugadzirisa nzvimbo yayo pasi uye Heathrow yakawedzerwa ndiyo kadhi yedu yehwamanda. Nekuita hunyanzvi hwenyika yedu hukuru uye zvirinani, isu tinochengetedza ramangwana rakanaka kuBritain. Nhengo dzeparamende dzakajeka - kuwedzera kwaHeathrow ndiyo sarudzo kwayo kuBritain - uye tiri kuenderera mberi nekuzviendesa! ”


Later this year and in addition to the Government’s National Policy Statement consultation, Heathrow will launch its own Phase 1 consultation to gather feedback from stakeholders on options for the Northwest Runway Scheme. The feedback will inform the next phase of design for the scheme which will then be further refined following a Phase 2 consultation in 2018. A final proposal is expected to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate as part of an application for a Development Consent Order in the summer of 2019. Heathrow is committed to delivering an expansion plan that minimises the airport’s impact on local communities, is affordable for our airline partners and delivers benefits to all of Britain.

With up to 40 more long haul destinations, an expanded Heathrow will make Britain the best-connected country in the world.  It will increase the number of domestic routes served, ensuring every region and nation of the UK can get to global markets and increase cargo capacity, supporting Britain’s exporters. An expanded Heathrow will be the largest privately-funded infrastructure project in Europe and will maximise opportunities for British businesses of all sizes as the airport looks to decentralise its supply chain across the UK.