Category - Nepal travel news

Nepal: Chiroto chemufananidzo wemugwagwa

Trekking ndiyo inonyanya kufarirwa kukwezva muNepal ine mafambiro ane mukurumbira seAnnapurna Circuit, Langtang neEverest Base Camp treks kutaura mashoma. Kufamba nenzira idzi dzakakurumbira kunokwevera vashanyi vanopfuura 150,000 pagore kuenda kuNepal. Semufambi unogona kutarisira kuti paunopinda mumusha vana vese vanouya vachimhanya kuzoda, "one photo please." Ivo vanochida chose kana iwe ukatora mufananidzo wavo wobva wavaratidza paLCD skrini yekamera yako. Asi havasi vana chete vanofara...

Wakave wakamboenda kunzvimbo yekuzvarwa kwaIshe Buddha?

Nepal is the birthplace of Lord Buddha. The Temple of Maya Devi at Lumbini will welcome visitors again once the COVID-19 threat is behind. eTurboNews in our ongoing series of destination features is reminding the world about tourism potentials that will be back soon. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News

Wechidiki mukadzi wemuAfrica anokunda Mount Everest

A Tanzanian woman and the youngest African female has conquered Mount Everest, setting a record of being the first Tanzanian woman to reach the highest point in the world. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

Nepal Tourism inoisa nzvimbo dzayo kuvashanyi veIndia

The Himalayan country of Nepal, which was once a kingdom, is making great efforts to get more tourists to visit from neighboring India. Both countries have long had close ties in various endeavors. - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online

Kuvakazve kufamba kubva kuNepal maonero

Deepak Joshi is one of the leaders of the World Tourism Network, a global group of travel professionals in 127 countries discussing the COVID-19 crisis and a way forward. He remembers the discussion ongoing now for one year and launched in Berlin on March 5, 2020 - eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News Online