Bahamas Tourism: Yacht Charter pazvitsuwa zveBahamas mushure meHurricane Dorian

Bahamas tourism is vitally important to the economy of this island nation. White sandy beaches are a given, and yacht charters and cruises are one of the most desired activities to explore the Bahamas. It becomes specifically important to understand after all the rumors surrounding Bahamas Tourism after Hurricane Dorian.

When the Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Minnis in a speech to the UN’s General Assembly invited tourists to make the trip to Bahamas beaches, stating: “Please come and visit one or more of the 14 other major islands in the Bahamas not affected by Hurricane Dorian.” ”The revenue from tourists visiting the Bahamas will play a vital role in reconstructing and rebuilding the affected areas,” Minnis explained. Around 70 percent of The Bahamas’ GDP comes from tourism.

Carla Stuart, Senior Director Cruise and Maritime Development for the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism & Aviation, showed her gratitude for all the aid the Bahamas government has received so far during the Monaco Yacht Show 2019’s ACREW seminar 2 months ago. She said: “We are so deeply appreciative of all the help and support we have received post-Dorian.” Stuart also welcomed visitors to the Bahamas, saying: “There’s still plenty for everyone to come and see, especially as reconstruction has been ongoing and The Abacos and Grand Bahama Island should be rebuilt soon.”

Maererano ne Mararamiro Emhando yepamusoro  a Bahamas yacht charter is therefore not only an exceptional experience but the more money you spend enjoying yourself, the more that will go back into the local economy, and back into helping the devastated communities recover from the recent natural disaster. And with so many places unaffected by Hurricane Dorian, you will still be able to enjoy all of the luxuries you would expect on any Caribbean yacht charter, from lively beach bars set upon fine white sand to 5-Star restaurants.

Mararamiro Emhando yepamusoro muzvinyorwa zvayo inotsanangura kuti:

Ndeapi maBahamas Islands aunogona kushanyira?

Zvitsuwa zvikuru zvisina kukanganiswa neHurricane Dorian zvinosanganisira Acklins & Crooked Island, Andros, Berry Islands, Bimini, Cat Island, Eleuthera, Exuma, Harbour Island, Inagua, Long Island, Mayaguana, New Providence (Nassau & Paradise Island), Rum Cay uye San Salvador.

New Providence inonyanya kufarirwa sezvo inogara guta guru reBahamas, Nassau, rizere netsika uye mufaro pakona yega yega. Iyo zvakare imba kune mamwe emamwe maresitorendi akaisvonaka, akadai seDune, uko cheki yeMichelin-nyeredzi Jean-Georges Vongerichten anoshandira musanganiswa weFrench-Asia cuisine neBahamian twist.

Nassau parizvino iri kuwedzerwa kukuru kwePrince George Wharf, chiteshi chengarava chikuru cheCarribean, ichiitendera kuti igamuchire machachari makuru. Iwo madhora mazana maviri nemakumi mashanu emadhora achashandura chiteshi ichiita nzvimbo yepamberi pemvura yekuenda, ichipa zvekudyira zvepamusoro, zvivaraidzo, uye zvivakwa zvekuvaka. Zvichakadaro, paParadhiso Island, iyo yepamusoro-chengetedzo Hurricane Hole Marina iri kuvandudzwa zvikuru kusanganisira dziva, maresitorendi maviri, bhangi, musika wekunakisa, uye mamwe mabhawa, zvichazopera munaKurume 250.

bhaisikopo yechart charter muBahamas haina kumbogumira kune zvinofadza zveNew Providence. Rum Cay inoonekwa seimwe yezvakavanzika zveBahamas zvakachengetedzwa kwazvo, zvinozivikanwa nematongo enhoroondo, akajeka matombo emakorari, mamaira emhenderekedzo dzinoyevedza uye kufadza kunofadza, kuchichiita chakanakira vadikani venzvimbo dzemvura. IEexumas inzvimbo yeparadhiso iyo ichave newe paNini pfumbamwe, isina kumbonzwa mahombekombe uye gin-yakajeka mvura. Iyo yekupedzisira kudanana kwekuenda, chimwe chitsuwa chiri kunyange imba kune inoshamwaridzika yegungwa nguruve iwe yaunogona kushambira nayo - kupi kumwe kupasirese iwe kwaungazowana izvozvo? Zvichakadaro, pazvitsuwa zveBerry, unogona kutenderera kwemaawa usina kuona mumwe mweya, uchiita yega bay kunzwa senge yakavanzika yega gungwa ruzivo.

Chimwe nechimwe chezvitsuwa zvikuru zvine hunyanzvi hwakasiyana, uye chimwe nechimwe chakakodzera kushanyira paBahamas yacht charter Gadzirira kudanana nemumwe nemumwe.

Ndeipi nguva yakanakisa yekushanyira Bahamas?

Luckily, the best time to go is just around the corner. The ideal months to visit the Bahamas are from mid-December to mid-April, when you will experience delightfully warm temperatures between 65°F/18°C and 85°F/29°C and endless sunshine. Those on a Bahamas yacht charter will also enjoy the bath-like sea, which hovers around 27°C or 81°F, perfect for a relaxing swim or an exhilarating Jet Ski ride.

After the tragedy of Hurricane Dorian, you may have feared that the Bahamas would be off-limits while the regeneration efforts were underway. However, with plenty of the Bahamian Islands unaffected, and tourism revenue helping to rebuild Grand Bahama and Abaco, there’s never been a better time to go to the Bahamas.

Iyo Bahamas inoratidzira pamusoro pezvitsuwa mazana manomwe uye inochera munzvimbo dzayo dzese dzekorari uye inogara rinopfuura rinopfuura awa kubva kunharaunda yeAmerica. Zvitsuwa izvi zvinogara kumamwe emahombekombe akajeka uye mahombekombe muCaribbean, zvichiita kuti Bahamas ive nzvimbo inozivikanwa yekuzorora pamwe nemitambo yemvura, kushambira, snorkeling, uye scuba diving.

Ribbon yekucheka

Hon. Dionisio D'Aguilar, Gurukota rezvekushanya muBahamas, munguva pfupi yapfuura vakapinda 60th Pagore Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show (FLIBS) iyo yakaita ruzha rukuru mukutsigira maBahamas, uye iyo yakaratidza kuve mukana unoshamisa kune Gurukota uye Zvitsuwa zveBahamas.

Iwo maBahamas anozivikanwa neayo anodhura emahotera emahotera, kusanganisira ane mukurumbira ese-anosanganisira Sandals Resort.

Rumwe ruzivo nezve Bahamas enda

Hapana ma tag echinyorwa chino.

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