Fresh thinking and future thinking: creativity and trends explored at IMEX America

A shot of creativity goes a long way to remaining competitive and addressing future trends. This is the view of Susan Robertson whose mission is to ‘sharpen strategic creativity to produce real results.’

Muchikamu chake chePlay Room kuIMEX America, "Uri kugadzirisa dambudziko risiri iro?" airatidza vaipinda nzira yekutarisana nedambudziko kubva pamaonero matsva kuti vauye nemazano matsva nekuvandudza. Susan, uyo anoita kosi yokufunga zvokuita paHarvard University, anotsanangura kuti, “Einstein akati ‘Kudai ndaiva neawa yokugadzirisa chinetso, ndaipedza maminitsi 55 ndichifunga nezvechinetso chacho uye maminitsi mashanu ndichifunga nezvokuchigadzirisa.’”

Susan’s was one of many innovative sessions in the Play Room, the creative hotbed of the show, enabling planners to get hands on with tools, techniques and resources to develop new ideas and make meetings more interactive. It includes a dedicated innovation corner for out of the box thinking and an engagement corner for tricks on how to create a deeper and richer audience experience. There’s even the chance to set a Guinness World Record by tackling the “Beer Coaster challenge!”

Creativity and future thinking go hand in hand, as fresh thinking ensures planners can address forthcoming trends and incorporate them into their business. The German Convention Bureau gave an insight into the future of meetings in Research and innovation: See the future of meetings today. Attendees discovered trends in knowledge sharing, tech and meeting design from the Future Meeting Space – a project by the German Convention Bureau (GCB), European Association of Event Centres (EVVC) and The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO. The GCB team, including Claudia the avatar, ran through future meeting scenarios and examples of how these have already been put into practice in Nuremburg, Leipzig and Munich.

Kubva pazviitiko zvemusangano unotevera kusvika kune vachapinda musangano. Shawna Suckow, muvambi weSPIN: iyo Senior Planners Indasitiri Network, akapa musangano pane Vatengesi: maitiro ekubatanidza zvirinani nevarongi vanhasi. Shawna akatsanangura nzira "yekuputsa nepakati" uye kuvaka hukama kuburikidza nevatengi vanopupurira uye chiso nechiso network pamwe neakanakisa maitiro ekuita mazano ekukurukurirana kwesocial media.

Kukurukurirana uye kukurudzira hukama kwakagadzira musimboti weMPI keynote speaker Tami Evans. Akakurudzira vaipinda kuti vagamuchire "dork yemukati" yavo senzira yekubatana nevanhu uye kuwedzera kubatikana uye kugadzira. Aizvireurura "anogara aine tariro," Tami akayambira vamiriri kuti "vaise kukwana pakumbomira" vachifarira kumbundira hunhu uye chishuwo mumashoko ake anesimba akakosha Hafu izere nazvo: kusimudzira tariro uye humwe hunyanzvi hwakaoma-hwepakati. Girazi rake hafu yakazara nzira yakakurudzira vanoronga kuti vafare uye vane hutano muhupenyu hwavo hwese hwehunyanzvi uye hwemunhu.

Akasiya nhumwa dzichinzwa kusimba pamberi pezuva rekupedzisira reshoo saJoanne Dennison weThe Ordinary Success Project, uyo akapinda mugwaro guru, anotsanangura:

"Tami akashamisika! Akaratidza vanhu nzira yekuendesa mameseji ake akanaka kubasa ravo pane show floor. Aive mutauri anosimbisa - akanakira zuva redu rekupedzisira pano paIMEX. "

IMEX America parizvino iri kuitika kuSands Expo uye Convention Center kuThe Venetian® | Iyo Palazzo® Las Vegas kubva Gumiguru 18-20, 2016, inotungamirwa neSmart Muvhuro, Gumiguru 17.

eTN ishamwari yemidhiya yeIMEX.

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