Hotel guests value free Wi-Fi over other amenities

Kubatana kunodarika nekure zvimwe zvese zvemahotera zvinoenderana neongororo ichangobva kuitika yakaitwa neGO Airport Express, inoshandira O'Hare International Airport neMidway Airport.

Vanhu vangangosvika mazana maviri vakapinda muongororo yakabvunza vafambi, chii, kunze kwekudya kwemangwanani, ihotera yemahara yavanofarira; 200 muzana yevakapindura vakatarisa Wi-Fi.

The second top answer, at 14 percent, was free transportation between the hotel and the airports. Following that were happy hour and in-room coffee and tea, tied at five percent.

Kushandiswa kwekirabhu yehutano uye dziva, makiki emahara uye zvimwe zvekudya zvaidiwa nezvikamu zvitatu kubva muzana. Zvimwe zvinobatsira zvakanyorwa muongororo iyi zvaisanganisira mapepanhau; pane-saiti ndege uye mikwende kutarisa-mukati; kubvumirana kushandiswa kwemaamburera uye pane-saiti mabhasikoro uye mabheti; isingasviki chikamu chimwe kubva muzana chevakabvunzwa vakasarudza chero ipi yeiyi sarudzo seyavanoda.

“Today’s travelers have made it clear they want and need to be connected at all times, and they don’t want to be charged for it,” says John McCarthy, president, GO Airport Express. “In order to build and maintain loyalty, properties should be responsive to this widely preferred amenity.”

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