Iye Ndiani wekuvhura ega Las Vegas kugara muZhizha 2017

WHO yakazivisa nhasi kuti vachaparura yavo yega yekugara muLas Vegas zhizha rino kuThe Colosseum kuCaesars Palace kutanga Chikunguru 29, 2017.

Rimwe remabhendi ane mukurumbira uye anotsanangudza, WHO inojoinha imba yevaraidzo vakanyanya pasi rose sebhendi rekutanga rerock kugara kuThe Colosseum kubvira pakavhurwa nzvimbo iyi muna 2003.

Matikiti ekutanga emitambo mitanhatu akarongwa Chikunguru 29 kusvika Nyamavhuvhu 11 achatengeswa kune veruzhinji kutanga Chishanu, Kurume 17 masikati PT. Nzvimbo yekugara inounzwa pamwe chete naCaesars Entertainment uye AEG Presents.

Mashoo matanhatu ekutanga ari kutengeswa ndeaya:
Jul.: 29
Aug.: 1, 4, 7, 9, 11

Vafudzi vanogona kutarisira kuti bhendi richavatora pa 'Rwendo Rwunoshamisa' kuburikidza nebasa ravo rose kubva kumazuva e 'THE HIGH NUMBERS' kusvika kuma album emhando dzakadai se'WHO'S NEXT,' 'TOMMY,' 'QUADROPHENIA,' 'MY GENERATION' uye 'LIVE AT LEEDS' kusvika nhasi.

THE WHO have sold over 100 million records since forming in 1964; they brought together four different personalities and in effect produced a musical hurricane. Each of them was a pioneer. Wildman drummer Keith Moon beat his kit with a chaotic elegance; stoic bassist John Entwistle held down the center with the melodic virtuosity of a solo guitarist; raging intellectual Pete Townshend punctuated the epic universality of his songs with the windmill slamming of his fingers across his guitar strings; and Roger Daltrey roared above it all with an impossibly virile macho swagger. They exploded conventional rhythm and blues structures, challenged pop music conventions, and redefined what was possible on stage, in the recording studio, and on vinyl. Now into their 53rd year, the band is still going strong and winning rave reviews.

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