Marriott International introduces three new brands to Cape Town


Marriott International, Inc nhasi yazivisa hurongwa hwekuvakwa kwenzvimbo nhatu dzemahotera muKapa, ​​pamwe neAmdec Group.

Aya achange ari mahotera matatu matsva muguta: imwe iri pasi pechiratidzo chekambani, Marriott Hotels, inova Marriott Hotel yekutanga muCape Town; yechipiri pasi peiyo upscale yakawedzerwa kugara brand, Residence Inn naMarriott, yekutanga kuSouth Africa; uye yechitatu yemhando yepamusoro-yepakati pemararamiro emhando, AC Hotels naMarriott, inova hotera yekutanga pasi pemhando iyi yedunhu reMiddle East & Africa (MEA).

Izvi zviitiko zvitatu zvakarongwa zvichawedzera pamusoro pe500 makamuri kuCape Town yekugara hotera kupihwa. Kuunza mamwe makamuri 189 kuCape Town, iyo AC Hotel Cape Town kumberi kwemvura ichave iri paYacht Club iri muRoggebaai precinct pasuwo rekumvura kumberi kweKapa, ​​nepo paHarbour Arch (iyo iripo Culemborg node), parizvino inzvimbo yemakuru akati wandei. mapurojekiti ekuvaka, ichave nzvimbo ye200-makamuri eKapa Marriott Hotel Foreshore uye 150-kamuri Residence Inn neMarriott Cape Town Foreshore.

Ichi chiziviso ndechekuwedzera kwehukama hwa Marriott huripo neAmdec Group, hwakavambwa muna 2015 nechiziviso chekuvandudzwa kwemahotera maviri ekutanga eMarriott muSouth Africa. Nzvimbo mbiri idzi, dziri munzvimbo yakakurumbira yeMelrose Arch Precinct muJohannesburg, dzakatarisirwa kuvhurwa muna2018, uye iJohannesburg Marriott Hotel Melrose Arch neMarriott Executive Apartments Johannesburg Melrose Arch.

Kuisa mari kweAmdec muzvinhu izvi zveKapa neJohannesburg zvinosvika mabhiriyoni matatu emadhora pakati pemaguta maviri ayo anozowana hupfumi pamwe nekukanganisa kwakakura mukugadzirwa kwemabasa.

Izvi zvitsva zvinowedzera simba rekukura kwakasimba kweMarriott International kudunhu reMEA, iro rakagadzirirwa kuwedzera boka repasirese sekambani inotungamira yekufamba mukati medunhu nepasi rese. Sekureva kwa Arne Sorenson, Mutungamiriri uye Chief Executive Officer, Marriott International, Inc., "Africa yakakosha zvakanyanya kuchirongwa chekuwedzera che Marriott International nekuda kwekukura kweupfumi hwenyika, kuwedzera huwandu hwepakati uye huwandu hwevechidiki, pamwe nekuwedzera kwendege dzekunze. kupinda mukondinendi. Kune vanhu vanopfuura mamirioni mazana masere nemakumi mashanu muAfrica yeSub-Sahara chete, kune mikana mikuru. ”

Marriott International zvirongwa zvekukura kwekondinendi zvinoorora: pakazosvika 2025 kambani inovavarira kuwedzera kuvepo kwayo mu Africa kusvika kunyika makumi maviri neshanu, iine mahotera anopfuura mazana maviri nemakamuri akapoteredza 27.

As for South Africa, Alex Kyriakidis, President and Managing Director, Middle East and Africa for Marriott International, comments that, “The significance of this announcement for both the city of Cape Town and for South Africa cannot be underestimated.  The developments in both Cape Town and Johannesburg confirm the country’s importance to the international travel market – for both the business and leisure traveler.  From the perspective of tourism, the addition of three hotels in Cape Town, catering for different market segments among both international and domestic visitors, will strengthen the position of the city as one of the world’s top destinations, and we are confident that Cape Town will gain huge benefits from the likely increase in visitor numbers expected in the future.”

James Wilson, Chief Executive Officer of the Amdec Group, says: “Marriott’s new hotels will become landmarks in South Africa and appeal to travellers from all over the country, the continent and the world. We are proud to develop world-class properties in both Cape Town and in Johannesburg. Melrose Arch in Johannesburg is well established as a magnificent multi-faceted New Urban quarter focussed on creating an unforgettable experience with a vibrant atmosphere in a secure environment where people can work, shop, relax and stay. Amdec is thrilled to continue our growing partnership with Marriott International in Cape Town where The Yacht Club will offer an exclusive urban experience in an energised precinct on a working harbour superbly connected to all the buzz of city living in a location steeped in history. In addition we are delighted to be constructing two new hotels at Harbour Arch (on the current Culemborg node) where we hope to replicate the magical atmosphere experienced at Melrose Arch.  Melrose Arch, The Yacht Club, and Harbour Arch are all perfect locations for Marriott’s first hotel properties in South Africa.”

Zvinotarisirwa kuti, panguva yechikamu chekuvaka, angangoita 8 000 mabasa ane chekuita nekuvaka achagadzirwa. Kana iwo mahotera apera, anopfuura mazana manomwe emabasa ekugamuchira vaenzi achagadzirwa - 700 mumahotera matatu matsva eKapa uye mazana matatu nemakumi matatu muJohannesburg.

Cape Town’s importance in the world tourist market has been confirmed in recent years with the ever-increasing visitor numbers to the city.  The addition of further accommodation to meet the growing demand will place the city in an even stronger position as a top global destination.

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