Upfambi muHawaii: Mukana wekufamba uye kushanya?


It’s part of the travel and tourism industry, but not many like to talk about it. It’s legal in many parts of the world, illegal in many other parts of the world. It’s the oldest job in the world.

In Europe it’s business like usually in the red light district, in the United States exceptions to make prostitution a recognized and legal profession is only the case in some counties in the State of Nevada today.

This may change in the Aloha State Hawaii.  For many seen as a tourism paradise, Hawaii lawmakers are considering decriminalizing prostitution in the state after the speaker of the House introduced a bill that would also legalize buying sex and acting as a pimp. It would mean visitors could not only enjoy the white sandy beaches, the great food, shopping, but also they could buy sex in paradise.

Kurudziro iyi inopedzawo mutemo wehurumende unoti mapurisa haakwanise kurara nepfambi panguva yekuferefetwa.

Transgender activist Tracy Ryan akati ari kuyedza kunyengerera vamiriri vemitemo kuti vapasise bhiri iri nekuti vakadzi vetransgender vanomiririrwa zvakanyanya mukutengesa pabonde uye nekudaro vanokanganiswa zvisirizvo nemitemo yekupara mhosva.

Mutauriri wedare reHouse of House, Joseph Souki, akataura muhurukuro nebepanhau reko, kuti haana chaainacho pabhiri iri uye akachisuma sechinofadza Ryan.

Hawaii ine nhoroondo isina kujairika nekuferefeta kwechipfambi. Kusvika 2014, zvaive pamutemo kuti mapurisa aite bonde nepfambi sechikamu chekuferefeta, asi vamiriri vemitemo vehurumende vakachinja mushure mekunge The Associated Press yaratidza mukaha mune imwe nyaya.

Muchuchisi weHonolulu, VaKeith Kaneshiro, vakati bhiri iri richaita kuti zviome kugadzirisa nyaya dzekubatwa kwevanhu pabonde pasi rose nekuti "zvinganetsa kuwana vanoita zvakaipa, zvakaoma kuwana zvapupu zvichapa mhosva."

Michael Golojuch Jr., sachigaro we LGBT caucus yeDemocratic Party yeHawaii, akati vakadzi ve transgender vanomiririrwa zvakanyanya kana vachienzaniswa nevamwe vakadzi vari mukutengesa pabonde nekuti rusarura rwavanosangana narwo rwunoita kuti vamwe vafunge kuti irwo chete rudzi rwebasa ravanogona kuwana.

Golojuch pachake anotsigira pfungwa yekuti chipfambi chive mhosva, asi akati iye nedare remakurukota vanga vasati vatora danho repamutemo pabhiri iri.

Bhiri uye rimwe rekurambidza mbanje rinogona kunge riri chikamu chekumanikidza kudzikisa huwandu hwevasungwa, Mutungamiriri Mukuru weImba, Scott Saiki akadaro.

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