Tourism Minister Walter Mzembi elected to an African Union Leadership Position

The Zimbabwe UNWTO Candidate for Secretary of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Eng. Walter Mzembi,  landed an AfricanUnion (AU) Leadership position in Lome, Togo on  17 March 2017.

African Tourism, Energy and Infrastructure  Ministers in Togo for the AU STC Meetings reaffirm their faith in Zimbabwe leadership in Tourism and elected the Hon. Eng. Walter Mzembi, Tourism & Hospitality Industry Government of Zimbabwe, as their Vice Chair of the Bureau of the AU-STC.

This is seen as another important step to accept the Zimbabwe minister to lead UNWTO starting 2018.

Nhumwa dzeZimbabwe dziri kumusangano wekutanga weAfrican Union (AU) Specialized Technical Committee (STC) wezvekutakurwa kwezvinhu, Transcontinental and Interregional Infrastructure, Energy and Tourism, vachitungamirwa nemutevedzeri wegurukota rezvekushanyirwa kwenyika neHospitality Industry, Hon. Amai Anastancia Ndhlovu (MP), vaita kuti Zimbabwe idade mushure mekunge nyika dziri kuchamhembe kweAfrica dzasarudzwa nemunhu wese pachigaro chemutevedzeri wasachigaro. AU-STC yakasangana musi wa 17 Kurume 2017 muLome, Togo ikasarudza Bureau pahwaro hweRule Number 16 weMitemo Yekuita pasi peAfrican Union Commission on Infrastructure and Energy.

Bazi iri rinoumbwa naSachigaro, Vatevedzeri veSachigaro vatatu, pamwe neMutariri. Zimbabwe yakasarudzwa kuve 3nd Vice Chair, inomirira Tourism sector neSouthern Africa mudunhu reAU-STC kwemakore maviri anotevera, kusvika 2. Dzimwe nhengo dzeBureau dzichasangana kamwe chete pagore ndiTogo -Chairperson (vanomiririra. chikamu chekutakura uye dunhu reWest Africa), Mutevedzeri weMauritania-2019st (anomiririra chikamu cheEnergy uye dunhu reNorth Africa), Ethiopia-1rd Mutevedzeri Sachigaro (anomiririra chikamu cheEnergy uye East Africa dunhu) uye Congo - Rapporteur (anomiririra Chikamu chekutakura uye nzvimbo yeCentral Africa). Bureau ndiro Executive Organ yeMakurukota anoona nezveInfrastructure, Energy, Transport and Tourism akapihwa basa rekupa gwara uye hutungamiriri hwehutungamiriri kuZvirongwa zveBasa zveAfrican Union Commission paInfrastructure neMasimba, uye Specialized Technical Committee yeNyanzvi.

Sarudzo yeZimbabwe muBureau of African Union Commission on Infrastructure and Energy hakuna kana gore mushure mekunge Zimbabwe yave sachigaro weAU neMutungamiriri wenyika, Cde RG Mugabe, kubva muna Ndira 2015 kusvika Ndira 2016. Sarudzo iyi, mutevedzeri wegurukota VaMhe. Anastancia Ndhlovu vakati, “Sarudzo iyi kubvumwa nekutsinhirwa kwebasa guru rakaitwa nemwanakomana mukuru weAfrica, Mutungamiriri wenyika, RG Mugabe, pavakatungamira musangano weAU kusvika pakutambirwa kunocherechedzwa kweAgenda 2063, yakaitwa muna 2030. Zvinangwa zveSustainable Development. Izvi zvinofadza chaizvo uye zvinongosimbisa nhaka yehutungamiriri husingaenzaniswi hwaMukuru, Mutungamiriri”.

The election of Zimbabwe to lead the Southern Region of Africa in the Bureau of the African Union Commission on Infrastructure and Energy representing the Tourism sector, is happening when the Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry Hon. Dr. Walter Mzembi has successfully submitted his application to become the next Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), for the next 4 years, from 2018 to 2021, to the Headquarters of the Madrid-based global tourism organization. Hon. Dr Walter Mzembi is currently continuing with his world-wide outreach effort to garner international support for the countrys bid represented by him to secure the top job at the UNWTO. Elections for the next Secretary General will take place at the UNWTO Headquarters in Madrid, Spain from 11 to 12 May 2017, during the course of the 105th session of the Organisations 33 member Executive Council meeting.

Asked what the election into AU-STC Bureau means to Zimbabwe’s bid for the top UNWTO post, Deputy Minister Anastancia Ndhlovu had this to say, “I can confirm that the election of Zimbabwe further re-affirms the visionary leadership qualities of Hon. Minister Mzembi, as the current Chairperson of the UNWTO Regional Commission for Africa (CAF) and the African Union-endorsed candidate for the UNWTO post, who has been very articulate on Zimbabwe’s and African tourism issues at a global scale. Therefore, this election will definitely be a boost to Hon. Minister Mzembi’s election bid, since the policy issues we pushed through to the apex of the African Union Commission on Infrastructure and Energy today reflect his vision for Africa’s tourism and the global tourism industry”.

Sarudzo yeZimbabwe yakabatana kuti itungamire AU-STC Bureau munyaya ye Tourism yakauya zvichitevera nhaurirano yakatora nguva yakareba yakaitwa mumisangano yeSTC iyo yakaona Zimbabwe ichitora danho rekutora hurongwa hwekushanyirwa kwemari muchirongwa che2063 Agenda yeAU. uye zvimiro zvayo, zvichiteerana. Kuratidzwa nekutaurirwa kwakanaka kwenyaya dzemitemo iyi neZimbabwe kwakaunza pundutso apo African Union Commission on Infrastructure and Energy yakabvumirana kuumba Directorate kana Unit on Tourism muzvimiro zveSangano panosvika Zvita 2018, kuitira kuti ripe rutsigiro nekudyidzana Sangano reAfrican Tourism Organisation. Parizvino, hapana huvepo hwekushanya mune zvese zvimiro zveAUC, kunyangwe kupemberera kwechikamu seyechitatu chiitiko chehupfumi mushure memafuta nemakemikari, pachiyero chepasirese.

The UNWTO 2016 Report indicates that global tourism grew by 4.6% in the year 2015 while Africa declined by 3% in the same year, the trend Zimbabwe is fighting to reverse for the benefit of all African countries and other developing tourist destinations of the world.


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