WTTC congratulates EU on adoption of new European Travel Information & Authorization System

WTTC congratulates the EU on the adoption of the new European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS), a pre-authorization system which allows the EU to know who is entering the EU, from where and if they pose a risk to EU security.

Kana ETIAS yatanga kushanda, vanhu vese vemunyika yechitatu vasina visa vanoronga kuenda kunharaunda yeSchengen vanofanirwa kunyorera mvumo vasati vafamba. Chinangwa cheizvi ndechekurerutsa kufamba kuenda kuEU uye kurerutsa macheki emuganho.

During negotiations, WTTC stressed the importance of the process to be made as easy as possible for legitimate travelers.

In addition to the ease of process, WTTC also advocated for the fees to remain at a reasonable level, one that did not discourage travelers from coming to Europe. The final fee of seven euros meets this balance.

“We see this as an important first step in the digitalization of travel. The ultimate aim will be the use of biometric technology to ensure seamless, more efficient and more secure travel. WTTC is committed to enhancing security and improving the entire passenger journey. This will essentially maximize the potential of the Travel & Tourism to create jobs and drive economic growth,’ stated Gloria Guevara, President & CEO World Travel & Tourism Council.

ETIAS ichave yemahara kune vari pasi pemakore gumi nemasere uye anopfuura makumi manomwe.

Kunyorera ETIAS kune chinangwa chekukurumidza uye nyore, zvisingadi zvinopfuura gwaro rekufambisa, kadhi rechikwereti uye kuwana internet. Ruzhinji rwevanyoreri vanowana mhinduro yakanaka mukati memaminitsi. Kana rumwe ruzivo, zvinyorwa kana kubvunzurudza kuchizodikanwa, mikana yakasiyana ichapihwa tichifunga nezvemamiriro emufambi.

WTTC welcomes the fact that the needs of the travel and tourism community were taken into account whilst ensuring enhanced EU security.

Iyo itsva system yakagamuchirwa nhasi (China, 5 Chikunguru) kuEuropean Parliament Plenary muStrasbourg uye inotarisirwa kutanga kushanda muna 2021.


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